1. Who can apply for a single-room apartment?
– All students can apply for a single-room/studio apartment.
2. Can I have a pet in my apartment?
– Pets are not allowed in shared apartments. You can have pets only in family apartments. NOTE! No pets allowed in Tankkaris 1 and 2.
3. What is included in the rent?
– The rent includes electricity, heating and free usage of laundry room.
Water fee is 13€/person
NOTE! In Tankkari 1 and 2 tenant pays for electricity and water with separate agreements.
4. What is an apartment with basic furniture?
– Apartment with basic furniture means that room has a bed (without a mattress), bookshelf, desk and chair, closet for clothes. In some rooms there is also an extra chair. Common areas have dining tables and benches, a stove and a fridge.
5. Does every apartment have internet?
– Only Tankkaris 1, 2 and 3 have internet connection provided at the moment. Other Tankkaris do not provide internet connection. All apartments, however, have the necessary plugs to establish an internet connection. Tenant purchases the internet connection from which ever service provider he wishes.
6. If I want to bring a TV to my apartment, does it have to be cable or antenna TV?
– All Tankkari apartments are in cable network so your TV has to be suitable for cable network.
7. What do I do, if I want to have a parking space and how much does it cost?
– If you want to have a parking place with a heater, please contact Tankkari’s office. A parking spot costs 7€/month and requiring one means updating your rent agreement and invoice.
9. What do I need to do, if I feel that the apartment is dirty when I move in it?
– Contact the office before you start cleaning, so that we can send a person to check the state of the apartment. If the apartment is found dirty by our representative, further actions are discussed case by case. If you clean the apartment and then contact the office complaining that it was dirty, we withdraw from any claims. Note that tenants are equally responsible for keeping the common areas clean.
Apartment inspections are done every time a tenant moves out. NOTE! Cleaning standards vary between residents, and do not always meet between flatmates. Discuss cleaning and possible scheduling with your roommate.
10. Why should I fill in the inspection form for my apartment when moving in?
– You should check your apartment when moving in and return the inspection form to Tankkari office so that we know that the apartment/room has been in good state when you moved in. This is done so that we can monitor the state of the apartment before and after moving in and out. Deposit returning is based on inspections done by our maintenance as well as your inspection form. If you don’t do the inspection and return the form to us, we can charge you e.g. missing furniture from your deposit because we were not aware that it wasn’t in your apartment when you moved in.
11. Why do I have to pay a deposit?
– Everyone has to pay a deposit. If tenant has not cleaned the apartment well after moving out or if Tankkari’s property or the actual apartment has been damaged, the deposit will be used to cover those costs. Also if tenant has not paid rent, we will use the deposit for that after the tenant has moved out. If all the rent is paid and the apartment is cleaned well and everything is fine, the tenant will have the deposit back in full.
12. When can I have my deposit back?
– Your deposit will be returned to you within two months after your lease has ended (keys returned), though normally you will get it back during one month after your lease has ended.
13. What do I do, if something gets broken in my apartment?
– Report the matter to Tankkari office right away.
14. Who do I contact, if my roommate is living in a disturbing way?
– If your roommate’s living repeatedly disturbs you (partying, listening music loudly at night time), contact Tankkari office. Note that if you want your roommate to have a written notice, you have to bring a written complaint to Tankkari office. If a notice of disturbance is done anonymously, it will not be handled.
15. Does changing rooms cost?
– Changing rooms costs 50€, if you want to change from shared apartment to another shared apartment or from single-room apartment to another single-room apartment. Though, if you want to change from shared apartment to single-room apartment or from single-room apartment to shared apartment, it is not going to cost anything.
16. How long can I reside in my apartment after graduating?
– After graduating you are allowed to reside in your apartment for 6 months. If you live in a family apartment, you are allowed to live there after finishing school if the other tenant is still studying.
17. If I want to cancel my rent agreement, how do I do it and what does one month’s notice period mean?
– If you want to cancel your rent agreement, you need to do it in writing. You can either download the cancellation form from Tankkari’s website and sent it by email to toimisto@tankkari.fi or you can come to the office to sign the same document.
In rent agreements done until further notice, the period of notice is one full calendar month, which means that your rent agreement will end in the end of next month from the month you have cancelled your apartment.
For example, if you come to our office to cancel your rent agreement during May, your agreement ends the last day of June. In family apartments, both tenants have to sign the cancellation of rent agreement.
18. How do I clean when moving out?