Resident pages
Resident pages help our tenants in housing-related matters anywhere, anytime.
You can log into the resident pages on Tampuuri.
Here’s how to enable the tenant pages:
Logging into the resident pages requires strong authentication with a mobile certificate or online banking ID. Once you have logged in, create a username and password for yourself to log in to your resident pages in the future. Please remember to verify your username. You will receive a confirmation in your email. If you need help logging in to the resident pages, please contact our office at toimisto@tankkari.fi
Please notice that the use of the resident pages requires that you have a valid lease. You will not be able to log in to the tenant pages as a home seeker or after your tenancy has expired.
On the resident pages you will find:
- Releases: Tenancy-related releases for the property are reported here.
- Messages: The feature allows you to send messages to customer service or the housing manager.
- Notice of defect: This allows you to make an electronic maintenance request.
- My finances: In this section you can view your own payments and payment information. Here you will also find information about valid leases.
- Housing services and contact information.
- My Information: You can view and update your own information in this section.
Check out the website and begin using our e-services today!