Tankkari 5

Herman Renlundinkatu 28, 67200 Kokkola

Built in 1992

Apartment/room types
21 apts shared apartment for 2 persons (21,8 / 24,8 m2)
14 apts shared apartment for 3 persons (24,2 m2)
7 apts 1 room and kitchen 29,5 m2

Housetype Apartment building
Housing right 6 months after graduation
Lift Yes
Balcony Yes, in common areas
Water 13€/person
Heating Included in the rent
Electricity Included in the rent
Internet No
Tv Cable
Sauna Common saunas
Other Common use bicycle storage
Door openings STSEC Ky +358 42 48 321
Service company Kokkolan Talohoito Oy p. +358 40 1817 400
Distances to schools Unit of social and health care n. 750 m, campus area n. 2,8 km

Distance to the town center is 1,2km. Supermarket nearby.

Laundry room is in the annex. The sauna is located in the top floor.

Each room has its own bathroom and a shared kitchen.

Tyyppi m2 Lkm Vuokra 1h+kk 29,5 7 399,96 2h+k (solu) 3h+k (solu)

Location on map