
Resident pages

We´re opening tenant pages for our tenants, which will make electronic communication easier. Tenant pages serve our tenants in matters related to housing anywhere, anytime.

You can log in to the tenant pages at https://talohoito-asukassivut.etampuuri.fi

Here’s how to enable tenant pages:

The introduction of tenant pages requires strong authentication with a mobile certificate or online banking ID. Once you have logged in, create a username and password for yourself to log in to your tenant pages in the future. Please remember to verify your username. You will receive a confirmation in your email. If you need help logging in to the tenant pages, please contact our office at housing@centria.fi

Use of the tenant pages requires that you have a valid lease. You will not be able to log in to the tenant pages as a home seeker or after your tenancy has expired.

On the resident pages you will find:Releases: Tenant releases for the property are reported here.Messages: allows you to send messages to customer service or the rental managerNotice og defect: this allows you to make an electronic maintenance request.My finances: in this section you can view your own payments and payment information. Here you will also find information about valid agreements.Housing services and contact information

You can view and update your own information in the My Information section of the tenant pages, if necessary.

So come check out our new electronic service and start using the website today!