General instructions and practices related to the corona situation (COVID-19)!
Due to the coronavirus situation, we ask all Kiinteistö Oy Tankkari residents to take the matter seriously and to take into account the issues in the press release.
Avoid touching surfaces in public areas, such as railings.Avoid unnecessary movement in common areas.Avoid using the elevator if possible. If possible, use stairs.Exposed, fluent or quarantined persons should not use common areas.Pay attention to the cleanliness of the yard area. Take garbage in the trash! If you smoke, you should take proper care of the waste caused by smoking. Cigarette butts must not be thrown on the ground.Every resident should take care of good hand hygiene during an epidemic!
We are not closing the saunas or the laundry rooms, but we will monitor the situation and act as required by the situation.
In the laundry rooms and sauna facilities, we ask you to observe special cleanliness.
Due to the situation, more attention must now be paid to waste sorting.
Keep waste disposal area clean. Put the waste evenly in all waste bins.
Please note that used handkerchiefs are disposed of in incinerated waste, NOT biowaste.
The need for and urgency of maintenance work should now be carefully assessed in advance during the coronavirus. Non-urgent maintenance work should be avoided. Maintenance work on the apartments is carried out in order of urgency.
If you belong to a risk group, if are you are sick, if you have symptoms of the flu or you are isolated by a doctor’s prescription, you must mention this to us when making your report so that we can prepare for the situation as necessary. The person should also avoid close contact with other tenants of the building as well as the maintenance staff.
The person in isolation should follow the instructions given to him by the infectious disease doctor. A person in isolation should definitely avoid any close contact with other people.
Make maintenance work request on our website at www.tankkari.fi
We understand that the current situation may cause temporary problems with rent. Please contact our invoicing immediately if you have any problems paying your rent.Invoicing tel. +358 40 181 7400, invoicing@tankkari.fi
Please follow the recommendations and guidelines issued by THL and the Government.
THL’s current information can be found at: www.thl.fi