Summer half
Tankkari student housing offers students living in shared apartments an option to pay half the rent for summertime (June, July and August). This means that students living in shared apartments can keep their rooms as “storage” throughout the summer and pay only half the price for the three summer months.
How does it work?
You can store your belongings in your apartment if you leave Kokkola for the summer. There are some limits for use during that time. Overnight stays are not allowed.
Your apartment keys are returned to Tankkari student housing office at Kustaa Aadolfin katu 1.
Check the specific times and more information on the News-section (Ajankohtaista) on the front page.
When returning the keys your rent for the applied summer months will be split in half and you pay your rent as usual according to the new invoices. Summer half can last 1 to 3 months as long as it is at least one full month.
By using the half price summertime option you will already have an apartment in autumn and you do not have to apply for it again when returning to Kokkola.
Note that summer half is only available for shared apartment rooms. This offer doesn’t apply to family apartments since they are in high demand even during summer time.
Check News for specific 2023 dates.