Door openings
Security company STSEC Ky, tel 0424 8321 takes care of door opening for Kt Oy Tankkari apartments and rooms.
When in need of door opening, call the number and clearly state your address and name. STSEC Ky will always charge from openings according to their pricelist.
If you have lost your key, it might be a good idea to check the lost and found at the police station. After that you need to contact Tankkari office for further actions on the matter.
A missing key is always the tenant’s liability!
Door opening fees
Mon-Fri (24h)
35 €
Sat-Sun (24h)
50 €
Kt Oy Tankkari is not responsible for the prices and STSEC may change the fees.
If your key does not work properly make sure that you have pushed the door and the key before calling the door opening service.